Replacing the battery in the IFR 7550A tracking generator


The IFR 7550A tracking generator is great for tuning cavities. With a RLB (return loss bridge) one can also sweep lines and antennas. The latter is good for finding the resonant area of such antenna under test. The unit has an internal battery to retain the memory for the settings. After a few years the battery needs replacement. It's a BR2325 which is similar to the PC 2032, except it has solder tabs for the control processor board. The battery is on the control processor PC board (D-0000-5316-600-B2)which is shown in the service manual, page 5-26.



Take the cover off. Shown here is the inner shield on the lower left to be removed.


Pull the lower PCB out.


With it removed shows the lower PCB been pulled.


Here's the board with the new battery installed.


And a close up.


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