Yaesu fusion

Yeasu came up with a digital mode called C4FM or the slang of "fusion". In addition there's a system that allows you to connect to other nodes around the Country, called "Wires-x".

The Author now has a FTM 100DR radio (the head shows a "100D") that works with wires-x. There's a roger beeper that the radio puts out when someone unkeys at the far end. The volume control does not affect this beeper's volume. Recently, the solution was found to disable that roger beeper. On this radio one gets into the menu. Apparently it's explained in the manual on page 129.

This is done by holding the setup key for a second or two to get into the setup menu.
Next, select 2 which is "TX-RX".
Next, select 8 which is "stanby beep".
Then select 2 which is off.
Get out of the menu setup and enjoy a monitoring.

Here shows the menus you'll be doing:






















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Copy write: AK2O 2005

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