- What people or views must be considered when designing improvements related to this issue or area?
- Everyone’s.
- Motorized recreation first!!
- Local residents
- County road maintenance (snowplows)
- Noise
- The users of the public lands
- Snowmobile use
- The motorized users are the key people involved. Their view should be considered.
- Legal requirements
- Biological data
- Those views of individuals who either continue with the increasing difficult task of finding…on the forest, as well as those who have given up.
- Motor users
- Non-motor users
- Wildlife
- Motorized users
- Land owners
- Education, respect, and compassion for TES
- Affecting recreational users other than motorized users. There needs to be acknowledgement that distance between non-motorized and motorized is the key to the degree of conflict. Example: Hiker needs to be farther away to gain solitude from motorized noise versus a motorized user trying to get away from a non-motorized user.
- Everyone, but please do NOT forget that this strategy must incorporate the ecological needs of wildlife, soils, water quality, flora.
- All views must be considered
- Use the roads we have for 4x4 four-wheelers
- Keep the trails for horses and walkers
- Sharing, inclusiveness, reducing peak conflicts, but not to extreme demands
- This land is ours as American citizens. I want to use it in a wise manner. I feel the prejudice against motorized access is unwarranted and tends to be negative. We enjoy the beautiful land and use our machines as a way to see it. Not destroy or harm it in any way.
- Forest Service need to spend more time managing the forest and less time trying to control the people that pay their salary.
- Equal freedom from all users. Land should not be closed or designated wilderness because lynx or other threatened species (not native to our area) are introduced to our area. Public land cannot be closed in this fashion.
- You are paid by us, you work for us. We will not let it happen. The area you are speaking of has no bad effects if more areas are made and opened up.
- All views should be considered. Local economy should not be excluded from any decision.
- Areas should not be closed because of a transplanted animal, to our use. Example: lynx or caribou.
- All users need to be educated about each others needs and problems. All user groups can work together.
- Keeping user groups (single track, ATV, 4-wheel drive) in their own special groups
- Leave single track alone, 20 years of single track don’t change a thing!
- The safety of all users and all their individual uses
- Effects on the economy
- Private land owners
- The people that live here and want to use our woods for all types of recreation
- The users (all)
- Private land owners
- All
- All land related agencies
- Older people need not be shoved aside for the younger more able-bodied types. I like to walk with my dog. Are dogs allowed?
- Local landowners and businesses and the users the trail was historically built for.
- How they feel
- What they need
- What is their specific request
- Environmentalists—need to accept the needs of others and be considerate of other citizens
- USFS—provide diverse opportunities to all user groups. Avoid making our forests roadless!!! The rest of us deserve an opportunity, not all of us just wish to hike.
- 4x4 users, other OHV users, non motorized users, environmentalists
- All users
- All
- Disabled
- Varied users of access
- Landowners
- Environment impact
- ORVs because all other users are considered more important
- All users
- All
- The communities represented by the user groups and recent IAC surveys regarding this very issue.
- All agencies to participate
- All user groups and landowners
This sheet needs improvement. It doesn’t get down to the issues. The map is far too complicated to understand. This sheet would read better and help people to focus their concerns if it asked questions like: "What would you do specifically to improve the situation? Can you think of any negative effects to it? Can you think of a compromise or an area where you would be willing to give?" We know what’s important to us. We know our concerns. We need to focus on first, getting our issues heard, and second, where are we willing to give?
![[Kar's sled page]](images/winter_home3.gif)