Directions for HooDoo area

Directions for HooDoo Area

Not to be confused with the mountain, further to the Northwest in Idaho, the HooDoo area is in Montana. From I-90 head East to Superior, Mt. and take the exit. Turn right (south) onto River st. Go under the freeway and turn left (East) onto Diamond Match road (250; but there's a conflict call in 270 or something else) which goes along the freeway for a mile or two then swings away (South) into the mountains. This turns into Trout Creek road. Go about 13 miles to the parking lot. It's believe there's a $5 charge to park there. Not confirmed; but there's some building and an open area with the earth coordinate of 48° , 03', 19" North, 114° , 56', 22" West, however this is a good way point if nothing else at this point. However, some say you may be able to drive further up the road if it's not too deep. It's unknown to the Author on the conditions of the area.

We usually decide on a 2-way radio channel to contact on, should we get separated.

[Kar's sled page]