Introduction and History
Stewart is a nice community near the Alaskan/Canadian border, out near the West (Pacific) coast. On the other side of a large hill is the town of Hyder on the U.S./Alaskan side, as you see in the picture. These pictures can be enlarge by clicking on them with your mouse.
Stewart's setting can only be described in superlatives, combining an oceanfront location with alpine scenery, glaciers, ice fields, and spectacular waterfalls.
This setting and the outdoor recreation opportunities it offers, contribute in an important way to the communities lifestyles.
The area offers, fresh and saltwater fishing, boating, hiking, cross country skiing, snowmobiling, and numerous other activities.
Stewart's colorful history has been dictated by the fortunes of the mining industry.
The first exploration in the area took place in the late 1890's and the town site was named in 1905.
An estimated 10,000 people resided in the area n the early 1900's, attracted by the prospects of gold; yet during World War I the population was reduced to less than twenty.
Stewart was founded by two Scottish brothers, John and Robert Stewart.
Major mines such as Premier Gold, Big Missouri and Granduc Copper have been established in the Stewart area.
These projects created the impetus for population increases and attracted a skilled work force to the community.
Mining is also primarily responsible for the development of support services such as heavy duty mechanics, welding shops, and transportation-related businesses, which provide
service to all the basic resource industries.
Today employment in the community is much more broadly-based and includes opportunities in transportation, mining, logging, retail and hospitality sector, and public administration.
As a contact zone between the Coast Range Batholith and sedimentary formations to the east, the Stewart area is highly mineralized and contains proven reserves of a wide range of
precious and base metals including gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc.
Hyder was originally called Portland city, and the name was changed in 1914 after Frederick Hyder, a Canadian mining engineer who predicted a bright future for the area. Hyders boom years occurred between the years 1920 and 1930, and the Riverside Mine extracted gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc and tungsten until 1953. By 1956, all major mining had closed except for Granduc Copper Mine in Canada, which operated until 1984. Hyder is known as the "Friendliest Ghost Town in Alaska." Hyder's economy is based primarily on tourism today. Visitors usually make more than one visit to Fish Creek bear viewing area, trying to view grizzlies and black bears as they feed on the spawning salmon. Continuing on past Fish Creek visitors will re-enter Canada and begin their assent to the Salmon Glacier. There are two public boat launching facilities to the Portland Canal one located in Stewart and one in Hyder. Be sure to check the tide tables to ensure safe launching.
Driving directions
The author as not yet been there, so this page is not complete, However these maps may get you in the general direction. If you have information, please email him. Also, the local web site might help.
I'm usually looking for someone to ride with, so Email me if you want to do some riding/climbing. I promote all winter sports and activities.
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