This concerns most area with computer technology.
Starting with....
In case you are thinking about acquiring a "WIRES-X" station from someone else it can be a long process. This is because the extreme security Yaesu requires to combat stolen equipment. They need to authenticate you thoroughly. For new equipment and accounts this is not a problem. The Author has worked with a contact in California that is great and helpful. Visit Groups IO under the Fusion sub-group for that, or visit Yeasu's web site.
Have you had the task of protecting sensitive information? In this case is files (backups) on a failed hard drive. Something went wrong after 9 years of service, such as the heads gauging into some of the platters. The Author believes in being through when it comes to protecting sensitive information, therefore takes the grinder to the platters, then cuts them up for disposal. No agency or county is going to recover anything using this extreme method.
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