We don't have texting being the house landline is "old school". However, email works great.
For contact here's the address. This is not a clickable link, but an image of the address. It's to block out email (bot) spammers.
Enter this address in your email message:
This email is for access information for anyone, including ARES/RACES people. When you request access, please indicate you have read the "FAQ" document.
It's also suggested to read these two optional documents so you know about the operation.
When you send an email please include your call sign as it may not show in the header. We check email most every day to get you fixed up with the information.
PLEASE NOTE: Email can fail. If you do not hear back we can give you a phone call. Therefore, it's a good idea to include your number on your email. Sensitive information is protected.
The access information is sensitive therefore, please respect that. SRG (system) is open and the information is free for you. Membership is not required however, very much needed for maintenance costs so, please consider joining.
To emphasize this point:
We have a few "rotten apples" that like to get this type of information to raise grief with repeaters and Clubs. Let's protect SRG. Therefore, keep the sensitive access info to yourself. Keep it off public access sites, such as the repeater directory, repeater site listings and other social groups (face book, twitter, etc.) Listing the repeater frequency is fine, but not the tones/codes for access. If you know someone that needs the information please ask them to contact SRG, here, like you did. SRG thanks you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
It is helpful if you register by sending your name, call, address and number to the address below, either mail or email. While listing a P.O. Box as a return address is fine for mail, your physical location is needed to help in future coverage plans, and in some cases to help in determining the best access route for the system. If advised, sensitive information is protected. If you have any family amateurs that would be using the system, please list them as well as their call sign(s). They are welcome, too. Also, because of the increased email spaming going around the world, there are more and more "black list" entries on email severs. What this means, some of folks's email DO NOT work. So if you don't get a reply in a day or two, please try "snail mail" (old school, stamps, envelopes, etc).